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Fresh flints ensure that the titanLIGHT™ is always ready for use. The extra flints can be stored on top of the cotton in the fuel cavity in the lighter.


Flints are easy to replace:

Hold the titanLIGHT ™ upside down with the cap off so that the wick points to the ground.

Lightly squeeze the ends of the titanLIGHT ™ so that the flame protection does not come off when you remove the pin.

Use your fingernail or a pointed object to push out the small end of the copper pin securing the flame protection.

Once the pin is out, slowly remove the flame shield from the housing of the titanLIGHT™. You should see the spring come out with the flame shield. The old flint is located below the spring - in the flame guard.

Pull the spring out of the flame guard and turn the flame guard upside down. The flint should fall out. If it doesn't, give it a few gentle taps on a soft surface.

Place a new flint in the hole where the old flint and spring were.

Place the spring in the hole against the flint.

Place the flame guard back on the housing of the titanLIGHT™ and, without tools, push the copper pin back through to hold everything together.

The first few strokes of the flint wheel will be harder than normal until the flint surface becomes smoother.


If the old flint gets stuck and is sufficiently worn down, you can put another flint behind it. If the old flint is too long, the spring will bind when trying to reassemble it. Simply remove the new flint and continue to wear down the old flint until a new one fits behind it.


Ferrocerium flint works when wet

Up to 500 attacks that start the fire!


Replacement flint (5 pieces)

Replacement O-rings (2 pieces)

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